Fashion Tips for $10 or Less!

Real things for people who don't have the money for high style but the passion for fashion.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

What I'd Like To Say About Fashion.

Why is that I am a fashion design major, yet I basically undermine the entire industry by telling people to stop spending money on clothes and make it yourself? Well, I guess its because I am trying to make fashion more creative. Fashion in its very origins referred to the way people would take a particular style and make it unique. The example that comes to my mind first as picture I saw in costume history class. Its a middle ages painting of a man wearing a shoe on his head. That's how fashion started. People take things, and change them. But I feel as if we've gone away from this idea. Yes, people have different styles, but we as consumers buy into things that make us fit in. So I probe the question next time you shop for an item of clothing: Why do you want that item?
So this is my quest to get back to the roots of true fashion. I want people to feel inspired to create, to rethink, to problem solve their way through style. Do not look at ANYTHING face value. There's a million possibilities for a single item of clothing, or for anything for that matter.

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