Fashion Tips for $10 or Less!

Real things for people who don't have the money for high style but the passion for fashion.

Monday, November 22, 2010

A Guide To Thrift Store Shopping

Are you a first time thrift store shopper? Or do not find good things at thrift stores?
Well here's my "expert" advise on the ways of thrifting.

The Basics:

Have an imagination:
The number one problem I see with people who don't know how to handle thrift stores is creativity. Everyone tends to look at old clothing for face value. What I challenge you to do is look for colors you like first. When you find an interesting pattern or color (no matter how hideous the garment itself looks) take a moment and think through the possible uses for that garment. Remember, thrifting is inexpensive, there for it is more than OK to cut up, redesign, and experiment with clothing.

Take your time:
One thing I can not stand about inexperienced thrift store shoppers is rushing. Thrifting is about the thrill of the chase. Therefor you must TAKE YOUR TIME. Go through the clothing on the rack INDIVIDUALLY. I guarantee you that 98% of the things in the store will not work for you personally. People tend to generalize areas of the store, if they see a rack of dresses with a few really hideous dresses, they tend to skip the entire rack. Do NOT do that. Look through, and see each piece as a unique different item with different value and end purposes.

Bring an experienced friend with you:
Bringing someone who knows a thing or two about thrifting is majorly helpful. People who are good at thrift store shopping are people who normally do not look like they wear second hand clothing. People like that can help you see beyond the idea that its second hand, and can help you begin to build thrift store creative skills.

Look in unexpected sections:
Something that I like to do is to not only look in the men's small section of the store, I look EVERYWHERE. Look in the guys section if your a girl, and look in the girl section if your a guy. I can almost guarantee you can find some really interesting pieces.

Finding Accessories:
Thrift store accessories are great. A lot of times you find good staple pieces that are inexpensive and have a vintage look. Do not be afraid of large piles of chains and metal, dive in! Another accessory trick is to find strange pendents or trinkets of sorts and put them on chains. Such things could look really nice with a day dress or casual T-shirt and jeans look.

Special Discounts and Sales

"Bins" are a big collection of clothes, nicknacks, and random items all in a huge cluster. They're cheaper items, and all have the same price. These bins can look intimidating, but don't be scared! Dive in. A lot of times you can find some great odd pieces, and they're cheaper than regular items on the racks. 
Become a member:
Becoming a member or signing up for a loyalty card can also save you some money and gives you great benefits in the long run. They're usually free to sign up for. Most likely they'll give you a discount right away for signing up, but also gives you discounts for special sales or discounts for buying over a certain amount. Many times, stores like Goodwill have special sale days, such as student discount day (every Saturday), and Senior Discount Day. A lot of times too, they will send you emails also about upcoming sale events and special discounts to members.
Special Tag Sales:
Another benefit of becoming a member is special discount sales. In stores like Goodwill they will have days where different colored tags have different discounts. So everything with an orange tag is 15-30% off. By becoming a member, through email the store will let you know when these super sales are. Prepare yourself! Go early, because those grandmas will fight you for items! 
The Benefits of Donating or Selling:
Donating to stores or selling your clothing has several benefits. Stores like Plato's Closet or Buffalo Exchange allow you to sell your used clothes for cash. But beware, a lot of people don't make a huge amount of money and are usually disappointed for how much they make. If you just want to donate your clothes to stores such as Salvation Army and Goodwill gives you special tax benefits. Just ask for a receipt after you drop off your goods. Also, a lot of times stores give you store coupons or discounts that you can use in the store to buy more clothes. Not only can you clean out your clothes you don't want anymore, but you can buy new ones for cheaper!

Damaged Clothes
Once you find an item you like, study it closely. Look for damage, lose stitches, missing buttons, set in stains, etc. If the damage is beyond repair or too noticeable, its sometimes best to pass it up. BUT, if the damage is not too bad, or you can live with it, bring it up to the register or speak to a manager to get a discount on the item. In most cases, pointing out damage on items can get you at least a 10% discount. This applies to normal retail stores also. Its a great way to save a buck and also really look at what you're purchasing.

And here's an outfit in which all the things are bought at a thrift store. I have really good luck with shoes. The coat I'm holding is a vintage military jacket I bought for $10! Nothing in the photo I purchased for more than that.  (Notice the price tags in the shoes...I've worn these before, but I keep the price tag in them.)

Have any other suggestions of how you like to thrift? Give me a comment and I'll add it to my guide! Or send me pictures of great things you find at a thrift store near you!

1 comment:

  1. At salvation army Wednesday is family day so almost everything is 50% off. I stop by on Tuesday about 2 hrs before closing. This way they have the most stock out in preparation for the insane crowd on Wednesday! I ALWAYS find tons of bargains!
