Fashion Tips for $10 or Less!

Real things for people who don't have the money for high style but the passion for fashion.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Personal Style is ALWAYS in.

What is personal style?
There are nearly 6 billion people on earth, and there is not one person that is exactly like you. That is a powerful thing. There are those people that take advantage of their individuality, and those people are the inspiring few who help shape the world. Taking advantage of your unique qualities can begin with gaining a sense of personal style. Having personal style refers to people's individual and unique takes on what is going on in fashion today. Whether people adhere to modern trends or go against them, they all say a lot about who we are. 

Developing Your Personal Style
When developing a personal style it is majorly important to stay true to who you are. For instance, if you don't enjoy punk music, then don't try to look like a punk, or if you're not a very feminine person, then don't try to dress like a prostitute(trust me, I've seen butch girls try to slut up their wardrobe and fail miserably). It doesn't matter what type of style you like or enjoy, there is no wrongs when it comes to personal style.

1. Self Evaluation:
When starting to create your style, the first question you want to ask yourself is "what are you interested in?" Make a list of the activities, hobbies, and social activities you partake in. Your clothing should suit your lifestyle, NOT the other way around. Also, think about your personality. A majorly important thing about personal style is that is should match who you are inside. If you are a business oriented person who wants to be taken seriously all the time, then dress more formally. On the other hand, if you're humorous and outgoing, the reflect that in your style. Fashion is really about taking what's on the inside and showing people on the outside.

2. Research:
Research styles you enjoy and ones that fit with you lifestyle. Find out where people like you shop, what designers cater to that style. Also, its beneficial to think about a style icon, which is someone famous who's style you admire and Idolize. 

3. Obtaining the style:
Finally, find out how you can create the same effect of the style. Money should not be an issue unless the style you want to achieve is designer label whore. If you see styles that are out of your price range (which most are for me), "take apart" the outfit. Look at all the individual elements of look, from color, shape, graphics, patterns, fabrication. Then figure out which of the elements you like and make the outfit so successful. Then, when shopping think about all the elements of the outfits you like. Shop for those individual elements at stores that fit within your price range. DO NOT shop without a budget. Keep in the amount of money you want to spend in mind and strictly adhere to that budget. After all, fashion should come second to life's basic needs, because if you don't have enough money to eat, you won't be able to live long enough to wear your fabulous clothes (Am I right?!)! 

Having a signature piece
My collection of ties.
My grandfather's watches.
A signature piece is an item in your wardrobe that you very personally relate to. In most cases, it's an accessory or pair of shoes, because they are items that can be worn with a multitude of items. A signature piece should have a meaning behind it or have some history to it. For example, almost everyday I wear three of my grandfather's watches together. The are antique looking and have a worn look about them. I wear them because its reminds me of the lessons I learned from him. I also have all of his vintage ties, which have similar sentimental value. Another signature piece of mine is pair of beat up old converse I wear often. I've had them for many years and have seen a lot of crazy times. For you, a signature piece could be a necklace, a ring, a handbag, or really anything that says something about you as a person. Signature pieces make an outfit YOURS. Hundreds of people own the same clothing, but no one else owns your piece. Another benefit of signature pieces is that they are conversation starters. On almost a daily basis, I get complimented on my beat up collection of watches and ties. I've even had people take pictures of my converse because they were so beat up.

Following trends successfully
Following trends is good for the most part. They make you look fresh, modern, and make you look "fashionable." My problem with trends is when people follow them WAY to closely. Piling together 10 trends into one outfit looks like costume. Outfits like those lack creativity and personality. My suggestion on how to use trends effectively is to wear one at a time, or one small combination. Another great thing to do is to put your own personal twist on trends. For example, lace is a great trend right now. So instead of just wearing a pair of lace tights, try putting lace on your nails, or craft a lace hair bow, or a lace necklace of some kinds. Think outside the box beyond the obvious ways to wear trendy items.
Where to find trends:
A great place to find trends for the season is You can see all of the latest runway shows from all over the world. They also provide article about the trending looks from top designers.
Another great place to find trends is Lookbook is an online collection of people's outfits from all over the world. Average people upload pictures of what they wear. People rate the outfits and comment. You can see what other people find trendy and get some inspiration for you own look.
A final place to look for trends is Pantone. Pantone gives you color inspiration for the upcoming season. They work seasons in advanced to give everyone from top designers to budget designers the newest colors for the season. Also, you can see sketches from top designers to see the latest silhouettes and styles that will be coming out.

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