Fashion Tips for $10 or Less!

Real things for people who don't have the money for high style but the passion for fashion.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Wealth Does NOT Equal Style.

People since the beginning of society as we know it have placed social class with fashion. What you wear defines how much money you make and how much power you have. Well its time for that to change. No matter how much money you have, you still have a right to good style. It is quite funny when I see people decked out in all designer clothing, but look absolutely horrible! It just proves the fact, money doesn't make a person look good. Good TASTE makes a person look good.

We grow up envying rich celebrities that have closets full of clothes from top designers. But the truth is, almost no one will get to that socials status. Not everyone can be rich and famous. But who says we have to dress miserably just because we are not their social level? My saying has always been "the less money you have, the more creative you have to be." Meaning, if you can afford to buy designer ripped jeans, then go for it! But if you can't, then get creative! Use your intellect to figure out how to achieve that look. Ask yourself the question, "What SPECIFICALLY do I like about that item?" Is it style lines? The fit? The color? The embellishments? Then take those elements into mind and experiment! Cut, sew(if you can), tape, paint, glue your way to achieving the look. Of course it will take time, but hey, no one said poor people have it easy! Its easy to say "I can't afford that, so therefor I can't be fashionable." Well, screw that idea. What you should say is "I can't afford that, so I will figure out a way to make something that creates the same look." Do not put limitations of your style. Anyone can be fashionable with a little elbow grease!

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