Fashion Tips for $10 or Less!

Real things for people who don't have the money for high style but the passion for fashion.

Friday, December 31, 2010

My New Year's FASHION Resolution.

As important as it is to have a New Year's Resolution, I feel like everyone should have a Fashion Resolution. A Fashion Resolution is a promise you make with yourself to take your style to the next level. Whether that's shopping smarter, trying to define your style, or even just dressing up a bit more, you should come up with your own Fashion Resolution!

How to maintain a New Year's Fashion Resolution:

  • Come up with a list of individual small goals that can help you reach your ultimate Resolution
  • Use a calendar to mark specific times in which you plan to reach a certain goal.
  • Give yourself reminders: Send text messages to yourself(that works great for me!), put post-its above your bed, send yourself a facebook message reminder, or come up with your own ways.
  • Tell your friends about your goal and get their support. Having people support your goals will give you the guidance you need to stick to them.
  • Write about your experiences and how they help you: Keep a journal(handwritten or on the computer) and write in it often. It will help you keep track of your progress and you can actually see the differences.
  • Take pictures of your changes. By maintaining a scrapbook or online catalogue or your fashion adventures through pictures, you can track your progress, refer back to styles you like, and as you go look at things that need to change or things you liked.
Or come up with ways that work for you personally. Think about things that have helped you keep goals in the past and go from there!

My Fashion Resolution for 2011:
Find new unique ways to wear clothing and to help spread the word on the importance of fashion, style, and being thrifty to the world. I will maintain this goal by creating a calendar of projects I will post on my blog. In the new year, I plan on posting at least once or twice a week. I will also research new ways to advertise my blog in order to reach a broader audience. By finding at least one new advertising outlet a week I feel like I can maintain my goal. 

In my personal style, I hope to build my wardrobe with new pieces to make my style more sophisticated but yet still maintain my sense of fun. I plan on photographing my own outfits for my personal records so that I can see how my style changes throughout the next year.

What's your New Year's Resolution? Leave a comment and let me know!

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